Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Copied and pasted from reddit :)

These shift codes will give TEN Golden Keys each for a total of TWENTY golden keys!!
PC / Mac

i find the amount of DLC for this game irritating, idk why they can't include it all and just charge more or something

You're not missing anything. The base game was awesome, most of the DLC ('cept Tina's) absolutely sucked.

Don't the GOTY editions have all the DLC now anyhow?
Once I got into it, I really enjoyed BL2, but the second playthrough was meh, and I haven't bothered with UVHM. The problem is that it's the same, but with bigger numbers. If they'd varied the characters, for instance by adding relic and class mod slots, then it would have been interesting.

Not particularly, no. I pre-ordered Borderlands 2 for about £17, and I got the Season Pass for £15 at around the same time, this isn't really much more than the typical PC game.

The point is to continue development post game release, of which they have done a very good job of.

Some expansions or "DLC" are examples of greed, but Borderlands expansions are certainly not.
I dont think ive ever found a game so annoying and so tedious than having installed and started to play through Tiny Tinas Assault on Dragon Keep. Cant walk through a room without wave after wave after wave of mobs spawn. Every time you clear, a new wave comes and you cant move on until the 30 - 60 mobs are dead. On top of that trying to complete it at level 50 with TVHM weapons means you need 12-16 headshots PER MOB from a sniper rifle playing as Zer0, forcing me to use shotguns which he just isnt designed for.
I've just started playing this again, after having a break form it for . . . erm . . . absolutely ages, lol. I'm Axton, and level 48, just about to turn 49. I bloody love this game, the graphics are superb and the gameplay is SO fun. I generally play alone, but I don't mind. My mate comes online now and again and we team up, but he's not on that often and to be honest I like battling through the area's solo. can't wait until I get my triple screen eyefinity setup to see what this looks like :D
Bought this in the steam sale for £5 and just completed it after 41 hours.
Loved every minute of it. Ended up level 35 with Axton by end game.
I think I was too over powered by end game though as I had just used a few golden keys to get some great stuff before I left for the last mission so the big boss went down very easy.

I could never get into the first game but can't wait for number 3 now
Axton is fun and what most people choose when they first play as he's easier to identify with. Also... turrets :) (and I can has 2!!! ?). He's the weakest character though but don't let that put you off as you can still go all the way with him, just hop on-line for a little help when it gets tough (and boy o boy it will :)).
To go on-line simply make your game public in the menu settings. You can always change it back and make it invite only/friend only instead. When going online be prepared for your game to fill up (max = 4) with weird and wacky characters with strange abilities from all over the world sometimes wearing a mic to speed you through missions or help level you up. You may not even know what's going on half the time but before you know it, you'll be a million levels up, be showered with free weapons you've only dreamed about and have 50 new friends you never had before :)
Good luck vault hunter :)

thanks for the explanation :)
Weird seeing this pop up on steam. Never see my name used in anything. Thought it was some clever profile-skimming malarky.

Bought this in the steam sale for £5 and just completed it after 41 hours.
Loved every minute of it. Ended up level 35 with Axton by end game.
I think I was too over powered by end game though as I had just used a few golden keys to get some great stuff before I left for the last mission so the big boss went down very easy.

I could never get into the first game but can't wait for number 3 now

You ain't finished yet! MOAR! :D
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