Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Siren is probably easier to start with than Axton, I think.

I'll have to disagree with you on this one I'm afraid.

Simply put: Preparation. You can have it from level 6, i.e. your 2nd skill point spend, which gives you health regeneration. Maya is lacking in any health regen skill, so you'd have to hunt down a class mod or something to get the equivalent. I had a short play as a level 8-9 siren last night, and kept getting put down no end, because I kept finding myself with naff all health!
Bought this in the steam sale for £5 and just completed it after 41 hours.
Loved every minute of it. Ended up level 35 with Axton by end game.
I think I was too over powered by end game though as I had just used a few golden keys to get some great stuff before I left for the last mission so the big boss went down very easy.

I could never get into the first game but can't wait for number 3 now

You've barely started the game. There are two more difficulty levels to complete + overpower levels. Reach UMVH, bump into the first badass and then tell us you're overpowered. :)
I've gone through it in normal mode and TVHM and had a session of UVHM and it's boring. It's the same game with bigger numbers. Sure you get extra skills after you level up, but it needs the characters to be fundamentally improved.
I've gone through it in normal mode and TVHM and had a session of UVHM and it's boring. It's the same game with bigger numbers. Sure you get extra skills after you level up, but it needs the characters to be fundamentally improved.

Yes, Duke of Ork is just like any other NPC, as is Voracidous or any other unique boss, not to mention the huge variety of items they drop. :rolleyes:

You were bored because you didn't enjoy/fully experience the Borderlands 2 end game, not because it's the same game with bigger numbers.
Yes, Duke of Ork is just like any other NPC, as is Voracidous or any other unique boss, not to mention the huge variety of items they drop. :rolleyes:

You were bored because you didn't enjoy/fully experience the Borderlands 2 end game, not because it's the same game with bigger numbers.

Well, I've got bored of dropping Teramorphous and The Warrior and Wilhelm and a few others, and farming for Legendary weapons is boring. Having to go through the campaign yet again is boring. I've gone through it not once but twice, so let me choose the difficulty level without the palaver.
Well, I've got bored of dropping Teramorphous and The Warrior and Wilhelm and a few others, and farming for Legendary weapons is boring. Having to go through the campaign yet again is boring. I've gone through it not once but twice, so let me choose the difficulty level without the palaver.

I resorted to using Gibbed editor after spending weeks of solidly farming bosses for heads. As that was ruining the games appeal. Think you could alter difficulty level too so could bypass TVHM.
Didnt know about that. Totally using it. The idea of playing a new character through the game 4 more times is just depressing.
I'll have to disagree with you on this one I'm afraid.

Simply put: Preparation. You can have it from level 6, i.e. your 2nd skill point spend, which gives you health regeneration. Maya is lacking in any health regen skill, so you'd have to hunt down a class mod or something to get the equivalent. I had a short play as a level 8-9 siren last night, and kept getting put down no end, because I kept finding myself with naff all health!

There's not right or wrong answer, but Maya is consistently rated as being one of the easiest classes - Zero and Krieg the hardest.
I think they are if you have syncing turned on..

There are plenty of game saves you can download, Like usually op8 to save you the grind.. I can mail you mine if you like... I have maya and salvadoor at op8 with nearly all missions done.

Maybe they were on a different drive when you played last? I have steam folders on C and another storage drive.

No backups anywhere on a pen drive maybe?

Try admin/my documents/my games/borderlands 2/willowgame/savedata

good luck

Ahh...turned it on in the properties in steam and my lvl 50 Zero is back, yay, downside is, im totally confused by all the new additions (bought the GOYE) need to either figure out if i want to play again with a new character or keep my Zero.
I picked this up last week as it was on sale and so far I'm really enjoying it. I'm only a lvl 21 Axton so far but if there are any players out there that want to team up for a bit online, let me know as multiplayer looks interesting.
There's not right or wrong answer, but Maya is consistently rated as being one of the easiest classes - Zero and Krieg the hardest.

Gaige is damn easy. Upgrade Deathtrap and he acts as an amazing decoy of destruction whilst everything gets burnt and electrocuted. Later on in the game and the harder modes, enemy shields don't last long.
It seems that they're all easy! xD

Anyway I'm not sold on the characters for TPS - the action skills look pretty dull - I mean seriously, one of them is basically an aimbot... And there's only 4 to choose from. They could have included a choice of two or three action skills per character and hopefully some extra characters in DLC. Only Athena and Claptrap look remotely interesting to play.

Probably going to wait for a sale for TPS - doesn't seem worth buying on release.
Any BL2 players around who fancy giving me a hand?

Currently trying to kill the Warrior with my Lv48 Zer0 and keep getting robbed via the lack of killable adds to get a second wind! (Usually as the Warrior goes into the lava, takes all the Rakk with him :/)

I've used up all my cash so can't buy extra ammo and the boxes in the arena aren't providing enough. I kinda loathe to leave and have to do Hero's Pass and Jack all over again....
Are you playing in True Vault Hunter Mode? Because at that level you should be able to kill him almost immediately in normal mode. But killing the Warrior is trivial anyway: all you have to do is hide under the bridge and snipe. And when he's at the far end, there's a cover position to the right.

ETA if he's going for a tail slam, get under the bridge.
Also, you can always switch to normal mode and kill him then - just save after collecting the loot then exit and switch back to TVHM, sell your loot, and buy ammo.
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