Borderlands 2 - TERRIBLE fps issue

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
So, my partner and I fancied a bit of coop on this, she has a 780, I have a 980ti. Now, I used to have a 780 and it ran the game fine.

But even for me on my 980 ti, after a battle, my fps can tank down to as low as 30! I've tried lowering physx, tried with all settings low. Something just isn't right.

2 different machines, same issue. We've both got healthy overclocks, I've got a 4.4Ghz i5 3570k, she has a 3.8Ghz i5 (something, can't remember, none K though).

So yea, anyone know of anything with this game that needs to be tweaked to get it playable? It's **** right now.
I have this also, and also with a 980 Ti. Turned it on the other day for a blast and my FPS was poor. I remember it being similar at launch though (although not with a 980 Ti obviously as they weren't out) but wasn't it something to do with the shadows?
Hmmm it's normally a Physx issue that causes this - I'll check with some other knowledgeable folk and see if they know anything!
Can confirm PhysX killing FPS on this game, although I feel it is a fairly recent issue since I don't remember having this problem on my SLI 670s nearer the games' launch.
Also, as it's a 32bit executable and can only address 4GB of RAM, the game will crash in certain areas as it runs out of memory with PhysX on.
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