Borderlands - Movie

Sources say it's expected to be an edgy, R-rated take on the material.
What does that **** even mean? That they're going to stick to the source material which is R-Rated anyways, or that they're going to completely **** it up and aim it at angsty 'young adults'?
If they do it in the same vain as Hardcore Henry I'd be fine with it.

Also this 'edgy R Rated' needs to stop, just because Deadpool was succesful doesn't mean every R Rated film needs to be 'edgy or funny' now.
Borderlands have that humour, so I can see the edgy R rated works, if they get the right kind of director and cating. If Uwe Boll gets his hands on it, then kthnxbye!
None of the games had any swearing as I recall, so that would probably be added to get a movie R rating, as the violence alone wouldn't do it, and there is no sex. (not that a lesbian Siren experience couldn't be awesome!)
Butt Stallion main character please.

No, it'd have to be claptrap.

If claptrap doesn't make an appearance in this it's not worth anything.

It has potential as a universe but would they follow the vault hunter storyline or just some random storyline they make up. Don't really get how you can make it edgy either. Not got great hopes for this but I will definitely have to give it a watch.
Tales of the Borderlands proves that the universe can adapt well into a story driven experience. Will it be animated or live action though? The art style plays a huge part in the games' appeal.
So they've cast Kevin Hart as Roland, bit of an odd choice given Roland was a non comedic character and Hart is also really short. I'd rather have him voicing Claptrap!
It was always going to be trash. There’s never been a good live action film based on a game.
No, not even Super Mario Bros :P
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