Bored, need a new game....

3 May 2004
Anything anyone can reccomend?

Im pretty bored of the usual FPS`s (DOD, Red Orchestra, HL2 etc) and Im looking for something different to keep me occupied.

Anyone reckon X3 on Steam is worth a go seeing as its still only $17.95 (about £9) for now?
Anything else worth a look?
Knights of the Old Republic
Jedi Knight II
Deus Ex

Most adventure / RPG / different to standard FPS, and all come rated very highly by me, and would be a good few that'll keep me occupied for a few months :p
Booner! said:
i just bought day of defeat soruce, addictive, try it?

The fact he has DOD in his title probably hints he may already play it ;) though even if that is DOD for HL engine, he's after something different.
mafia was good to take some time.

or do what ive been doing and bringing out the old games like max payne that you havent played in ages
Reppyboyo said:
Should have said DOD & DOD:S then. :p

Quite a few of these Ive played sadly.

How is KOTOR II?
I never did play the sequal.

KOTOR II is a good game, it's just not as good as the original, but it's definately worth it in my opinion once it gets going, as it adds to a lot of the good bits from KOTOR, and a couple of nice things too.
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