Boris's intensive care nurse

3 Jan 2006
All along the watchtower
Now of course nurses are invaluable and should get a better than 1% pay rise but..

She is leaving to do a contract job in the Caribbean and then back to New Zealand for more lucrative contract work.

Was she perhaps trained for free by our health care system? Also happened to be appearing in a channel 4 documentary.

It all seems a bit disingenuous.
by speculating, you've devalued your entire post. Try harder.
Hey its possible she's been here for several years and it wasn't that long ago that the NHS paid all the education costs. In fact its more than likely, doctors and consultants do a lot of lucrative private work.
Boris literally has caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths in this country and people are still screaming 'But Corbyn....' it is ludicrous. You've been played like a fiddle mate.
Lol, you don't seem to understand, Boris is prime minister, Boris wins everything and can do whatever he wants.

Sitting in the corner moaning about it or slagging him off on an Internet forum isn't going to get the nurses a better pay rise.
I think he wears his union jack undercrackers a bit tight, it cuts the blood off from his thinking parts :p

You see this is the problem with you and the media, bbc, channel 4 I'm looking at you. You think its clever and funny to **** of Boris like this, the reality is people are going to food banks, 120k people died from covid and it was mismanaged, the health service should get more funding, tory sleaze lobbying blah blah.

Captain hindsight and his comrades have let down the people they say they are going to help by not getting anywhere near power and that is the real tragedy and scandal.
We know what Boris and the tories are don't we? yet he has a massive majority in parliament and is ahead in the opinion poles.

WTF are YOU going to do about it?
Well, for a start I was talking about your ire is slightly wide of the mark.

What do you want me to do about it? I didn't vote for this idiot but it seems a lot of this country like a lying, cheating bumbling idiot as a leader, so good luck to them and as you point out, the more of a bumbling incompetent idiot he is, the more his popularity grows, go figure.

So i'll keep doing what I've always done, getting on with my life enjoying myself, whilst cracking a few one liners from the sidelines ;)

So, self richeous hypocrisy in one post.
It was idiotic for Labour to be politicising what should have been basic common sense for limiting the spread of any virus. Mobilising a resistance to certain restrictions will have cost lives.
Basically labour just criticize anything the government does after the event and show no leadership or original thinking at all.
I suppose the point of the thread is really that I'm sick of hearing the whinging from the bbc and opposition when every vote we have shows the public think the opposite. They all need to show some humility and admit they are barking up the wrong tree or at the very least out of touch.

Just as a footnote, unison actually negotiated a worse pay structure than they already had during the previous agreement. Unison recommended a pay structure that ensured middle managers carried on getting nice pay rises while those on the lower grades lost most of the annual increases they got as a matter of course.

So previously the NHS staff got the annual pay increase plus an uplift through the band of their grade, this lasted for several years.
You're looking in the wrong place then! Labour have backed the sensible measures from the Government, but that won't generate significant news coverage.

Remind me again, which party repeatedly kept refusing to provide meals to children during school holidays, increasing demand on the already stretched food banks?

It's unforgivable. They claim they can't afford to feed children in poverty, while giving their mates highly profitable PPE deals.
You're missing point and its really not hard, if you don't get elected you don't help anyone. Do you think the labour party are going to win the next election, really?
So it doesn't matter what they shout into the void does It.
So why didnt you start a thread with that rather than
Because the example was a poorly chosen one and as such serves to discredit the arguement rather than supporting it.
The end result is more synicism and less progress. Which helps no one.

This sort of thing is rife amongst the click bait media and points scoring opposition, all the evidence indicates it is losing them support not helping.
Yeah well the average London salary is 38k so a fair bit above that. But anyhow she's free to leave and get a highly paid job in the sunshine, I don't blame her if she is motivated that much by money.
As many people have said nurses feel undervalued and are probably leaving the profession but then a lot of people feel undervalued.
How much money she made a year is probably not the same thing as 'salary' - if she did some extra shifts with an agency or worked nights for a bit etc then that could well add up to a fair bit more than the nominal salary.

Also, had to lol at the idea in the OP she'd been trained for free by the NHS and was now galavanting off with OUR NHS TRAINING :mad:. This being the same NHS that sends literal expeditions to third world countries to recruit their pre-trained nurses :p :cry: (and also doesn't train people for free).
If you research the thread you will find she probably was trained for free.
Now ask yourself another uncomfortable question for the modern lefty, why do you think foreign nurses come here? Because of the weather?

However I will say that to get into nursing in the UK now seems incredibly difficult and expensive. I'm not sure why any of them do but I'm very glad of it.

As a modern lefty you completely missed the point that she was a very unfortunate example to pick. Yes the 1% pay rise is derisory, but to this particular individual it was neither here nor there what ever she says for channel 4.

I would add that when she goes to Jamaica if she was working for the public health service she would likely lament the conditions and hours and lack of reward. However as she is going to work for a presumably extremely well funded and profitable private health care facility only treating those who can pay she won't care.
I know the Corbyn = evil narrative is a strong one, but there's no sane way anyone could seriously argue having him as PM for the pandemic would have been worse than Boris. The economy would probably have gone up the wall, but the pandemic response would have been much better and a LOT less people would have died. It's not even a Corbyn debate at this point, Boris killed 10,000-20,000 extra people by ignoring the medical/scientific experts and doing what Cummings suggested, there's zero chance any PM of the last 30 years would have screwed up anywhere near as badly as he did, even Thatcher would have been a significant improvement on Boris. Hell the only thing he actually got right was to let the NHS handle vaccination, and that's only because blaming his failed track and trace program on us had worked so well for him lol.

That's untrue.

Ward Sister is a band 6 role, that's £31,365 - £37,890 (before tax/pension deductions) depending on experience.
Well someone on twitter said so, who am I to question a random person on the Internet... oh wait...

Actually here some data that looks credible ish

But wait here's another link that indicates they are very poorly paid.,_Intensive_Care_Unit_(ICU)/Salary
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If her annual salary is 52k then she's a top of band (7+ years experience) ICU nurse, with thousands of hours of additional training in one or more critical care specialisations. If she earned 52k in the last year, then she's probably flogged her guts out doing overtime during a global pandemic. I'm sure she'll appreciate your gratitude either way though :rolleyes:

Band 5 starts at 24k and caps at 30k after 6 years. Band 6 (technically also nurses, but at a much lower number than the amount of band 5s) starts at 31k and caps at 37k after 6 years. Add in extra adjustments for London and 33k average sounds about right.

I don't know if that includes band 4s - they're technically nursing associates and go from 21k-24k. It's a new-ish role, so maybe wouldn't have an impact on the average either way.
Yeah after a lot of digging, reckon she would be lucky to break 40k, she may have got unsociable hours as well though, but still, not a huge amount.
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