Bought a 2.5Gbps switch and my internet isn't any faster???

31 Jan 2022

I'm kidding, of course. :cry:

I just wanted to post this here because I have been skirting round the idea of buying a 2.5Gbps switch for some time. I finally picked up one on special offer and wanted to say that all my scepticism was unfounded.

I have three PC's with 2.5Gbps onboard, and in particular two of them transfer lots of large files between themselves. Most of the time this is only twenty to thirty minutes, but In worst case, this can be many hours of transfers. With my old 1G switch I used to get about 110MBps transfers and was wondering, using old HDD tech (WD RED PLUS drives), what the transfer rate would be with a 2.5Gbps switch? The answer is about 190MBps.

So, no, my internet isn't any faster :cry: but file transfers sure are, even with HDD's
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