bought a 2GB Sandisk Ultra II CF on ebay

27 Jul 2006
however, it seems a lot slower than my 2GB Kingston Elite Pro CF, lost several days ago. But they have the same reading/writing speed in datasheet..

when writing RAW+L (30D), it always takes 1-2 seconds, making multishots quite difficult.

Anyone has the same experience with Sandisk. It is really annoying.
im gonna be buying one soon, and im taking advise and not buying from egay!

sorry dude, look on the bright side at least youve not spent £400 on a fake lens or something

and at least you can sell it on as a normal 2GB card if you dont get your cash back
SDK^ said:
The prices of Sandisk Ultra II's on e-bay are just too low to be real - £25 for a 2GB card !!

I only pay about double that for GENUINE extreme III 2gb sandisk cards from a UK supplier :D
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