Bought a DX

23 Nov 2005
Kingdom Of Fife
Last night was the final straw! Playing Vegas 2 when a BSOD appeared! IRQ not less than equal! I debugged the mindump file to find out again! (3rd time this year!) that ctaud2k was the driver trying to write to an address that did not exist! Think I will be ripping out the P.O.S. XFi tomorrow, deep cleansing my rig of any creative driver! and when my DX arrives, I'm gonna chuck the dam thing out the window! I don't even suspect it will survive long enough to go onto a well known auction site! I will NEVER buy another Creative product again, their drivers are utter garbage, badly outdated and poorly supported! :(
Roll on tomorrow, new sound for my Aego's, better drivers, no BSOD, lower blood pressure! :D
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