Bought a new bike

22 Oct 2004
Just came back from a triumph dealership and bought a brand new Tiger 800XC (Dark Green) with top box and arrow exhaust. I go to pick it up saturday, i really cant wait:D
Nearly saturday......

Yeah i cant wait, im more excited about this bike than i was about my Hornet which was the first bike i owned. Does anyone feel a little sad selling on your bike even though your getting hopefully a better one. Im sure ill forget about my Hornet as soon as i ride off on the Tiger:D
Just popped down to give them my insurance certificate. I got another look at the bike, they had it all ready for me to pickup tomorrow. Very happy with the top box, its quite a bit bigger than my current one. Also the arrow exhaust looks big and awesome, cant wait to hear it.


Here you go :)
Thanks guys, i have had it since saturday and only done 30 miles the weather is too bad, were pretty flooded. But fingers crossed i got next week off, so the weather might improve.
Bought a rear hugger for it aswell now, the mud flicks up a bit too much.
Well ive had the bike for nearly two weeks now, so far im really impressed. Due to poo weather ive only done 180 miles which is killing me cause i should be about 600-700 miles by now.
Excellent steering and control, i really think it cant be improved in that area. I would even recommend it to new riders for a first time big bike, its just so forgiving and easy to control with the wide steering position.
Engine sounds sexy as hell with the meaty arrowhead exhaust. The engine just seems so calm and relaxed whatever gear and rpm i got it at, its almost taunting me "is that all you got".
Brakes are pretty average (comparing it to my hornet) when i need to make a quick break it doesnt stop as quick.
Finishing touches seem to be left out a bit like no plugs covering some of the bolts and some exposed cableing needing some lubing.

I really do love this bike, it looks,feels and sounds great and is my fav bike and i cant wait to get some serious miles under it.
Must be a bit disconcerting having worst brakes than your previous bike, Can you upgrade the calipers & pads ?

Glad you're enjoying it though & Gutted about the weather, I've even stopped riding my Funduro. :(

The brakes are still good but when it comes to braking hard thats when it struggles.
Yeah poor weather makes me and my bike sad, i may get a little ride today though.
Gutted came off my new bike round a roundabout just slipped off. Wing mirror, right indicator and some plastic gonna cost me about £100-£150 to replace the parts myself.
Banged my nose quite hard made lots of blood come out everywhere all on the bike and road. Just gutted, thats all i can say:(
Well its another day and my mood is good now:p I have ordered all the parts i needed apart from two bits of plastic. Its come to £109, it should be here friday so i should have it all sorted before the weekend.
I rode my bike this morning at 5:00am to work, kinda icey out there, but i didnt let it put me off. Kinda funny pulling my bike out the garage then slowly sliding back into the garage cause of the ice:p
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