Bought PC, started upgrading, and...

31 Aug 2021
As many did, I preordered a PS5 for launch, and was let down when it didn’t arrive when it should have.

So, as I wanted to play Cyberpunk as best I could, I bought a gaming PC from Amazon in a drunken moment of madness…


I also was interested in VR and particularly HLA, so I bought a Quest 2 and upgraded to a RTX3060ti, and then immediately after that the PS5 arrived, but by then I’d decided to keep the PC, and the console was sold.
I will add that I sold it for a ridiculous amount, but when the guy turned up to collect it, and it was obviously a Christmas present for his son, I refunded him the difference between what it actually cost me and what it sold for.


I then started upgrading (mainly after too many beers) various components and ended up with this monstrosity..


But the performance wasn’t really what I was after, so I started from scratch, and I built my first PC..


I am super happy with it, but do want to upgrade the i7 9700 to a Ryzen 7/9 of some derivative to hopefully speed things up a bit.

I’m fairly confused as there’s a bunch of stuffs to choose from, so I’ll ask in the appropriate thread.

Really nice looking pc. Can't lie I had a crisis of conscience as well after selling a few next gen consoles that all turned up in dribs and drabs for decent money to people who I knew would then scalp for ridiculous amounts. However when an old guy came to pick one up thanking me profusely for saving the grandkids Christmas I caved and gave him it for just above retail and bundled in an extra controller. I honestly thought he was going to cry at my door I felt so bad I sold nothing since :p
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