
27 Dec 2005
I've recently started bouldering and I'm really enjoying it. Currently signed up to The Climbing Academy in Bristol and am going 3/4 times a week.

I am, however, still a complete novice.

I'm looking for advice and/or links to website that provide help and examples with technique. I've been told a few things by other random climbers that have helped massively but I'm sure there's a load more technique tips and tricks.

Also, grading. How does it work with regards to the whole F6a+ etc?

And finally, does anyone else go to the TCA?
Thanks for the link fez. TCA use font grades.

And yeah TCA seems like a really good wall so far. Everyone's really friendly, and the few people that have offered me advice without asking have very much done it in a really helpful, non-condescending way.

Good tip about watching the girls too ;).
Yeah I'm going 3/4 times a week at the moment. Finding 4 times a bit of a struggle though as that usually means going 3 times in a row midweek which really strains the forearms on the 3rd day.

I love how easy it is to track your progress though. I'm currently stuck on the penultimate hold on 2 red problems (sorry, can't remember the font grade) that I know I'll be able to complete easily within 1/2 weeks.

Equally problems which I found challenging or was unable to complete 2/3 weeks ago are now easy. Girlfriend has said she's noticed a massive difference in my back and shoulder muscles too.

The outdoors stuff looks great so I'll keep that in mind ^^ :).
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