Bourne Comes Homes

The second movie seemed to have a good storyline, however I think the cameraman had been drinking heavily before filming - the camera was juddery, and often spoiled huge parts of the film as you just couldn't tell what was going on.

It didn't happen in the first one.
tTz said:
I haven't seen them, but I think I might have taped one off TV a while back. I take it they're worth watching? :o

Most definietly mate.

Tute said:
The second movie seemed to have a good storyline, however I think the cameraman had been drinking heavily before filming - the camera was juddery, and often spoiled huge parts of the film as you just couldn't tell what was going on.

It didn't happen in the first one.

That seemed to be the style of those type of movies in 2004. Man On Fire was the same. I still loved it though, Man on Fire is one of my favourite movies.
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