Brace youself for a Brace! *not for the squeamish*

Woman of Honour
Man of Honour
2 Aug 2004
Actually I left the gross piccies out ;)

A guy from work shot me a brace of Pheasant so (with a bit of help from FF) we prepped the breasts for some Pheasant goujons which were lovely! :D

Ate them slowly because I didnt want to crack a tooth on any shot :p

Next time hopefully we'll get some Grouse and be able to pluck/gut them and roast or something (didn't have time this time round).

Piccies below. :)

BB x


This is actually Frieda..

My breasts were better than FF's ;) fnar!

I found a shot pellet!

Goujons Prepped

Goujons cooking

Ready to eat! :p
They were great like that. :) Still think I prefer them roasted but it's a ball ache to pluck those buggers.... And she did do a better job than me... beginner's luck I reckon :p

You never posted the pics of the ones I gave to you Jonny!
You got a brace of pheasant and you... fried it like a fishfinger?! :eek: :P

Where's the roast pheasant with winter veg? Where's the rich and gravyful* casserole? The seared breast with a redwine and berry jus? I'd have even taken pheasant curry.

*shakes head and pours a stiff (medicinal) creme de menthe*

*if it's not a proper word it should be
Ha ha... Willy... like I said we didn't have time for doing anything more intricate ;)

Also I never had it before so didn't know if I liked it! :o

BB x
Pheasant curry is lovely actually, so good shout. Goujons are a perfectly acceptable way of preparing Pheasant! Especially since they were free! If you don't over cook them they're tender and delicious.

I prefer Pheasant roasted, but there will be other occaisions! Une chose a la fosi!!
pretty sure he did, in another thread when people where complaining about a tiny bit of blood on a chicken bone. Or something like that.

Looks great, breast galore..
I never did an official thread. You'd remember if I did because there were feathers everywhere and it looked more like I'd blown it up in my kitchen than plucked it :p

I've got the pictures online though. I ought to get around to writing something because it was an enlightening experience tackling a whole animal for the first time.
It's a great feeling though isn't it? You really feel that the animal hasn't died in vain - the first time is emotional, but it's a much more "at one with the animal" sort of feeling. I still hate plucking though - tedious and messy!
I've met a few pheasant pluckers in my time. Lovely people.

When i've had them in the past i've had them roasted/in a casserole. I've found they can vary a bit quality wise though - we've cooked a brace before where one was wonderful and tender and the other tough as old boots!
How long were they hung for?

It's so much quicker just to whip the breasts out (fnarr fnarr), but seems such a waste. I've never tried goujoning (sp?) pheasant breast before though - I may give it a bash.

Regarding being tough - pheasants have a hard old life - if you have an old bird then slow and steady cooking is the way to go. It's been around, dodged cars/foxes/chavs with catapults and the like. If you have a younger bird then you can get away with quicker cooking as it's muscles have been less used.

Look at the feet and beak - both should be unmarked and supple in younger birds. If scaly and gnarled, treat as an older bird :)
How long were they hung for?


This is a good point, for those who don't like the gamey flavour hang it less.
My sister only hangs for a maximum of three days, where they could be hung for several weeks.
So if you think you don't like game, see if you can source some.
We didn't hang them for long as I was concerned BBx may not like an over gamey flavour - next time we'll hang them for a few days as I think it develops better flavour that way.
I hung mine for a good 7 days in the back room and it wasn't excessively gamey. Probably more than a lot of meat eaters are used to, but it wasn't the strongest pheasant taste I've had (suffered? :p). Some that my mum brought up from her local farm shop last year were on the brink of what I could handle, but the secret is to add stronger bolder flavours to it. The meat does seem to soften considerably when you hang them as well. The breast meat was melt in the mouth despite being quite pink and the legs were very tender too.
Would love to get my hands on some game birds, though I find it's either stupidly expensive and you get sod all meat.
I need to befriend some country folk!
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