Brad Bird On "Incredibles 2"

15 Jun 2006
"The Incredibles" director Brad Bird has talked some more to the Associated Press about a possible sequel to that beloved Pixar adventure. Sadly not much in the way of new information:

"I love the world. I love the characters, and if I could come with a story that was as good or better than the original, I'd go there in a second. I have pieces of things that I would love to see in a sequel, but I haven't got them all together yet, and I certainly wouldn't want to come out there with something that is less than the original."

Why is there a hesitation at all considering the amount of sequels this Summer? He says "Sequels are not part of the business plan at Pixar. It's all about the filmmakers being passionate about going somewhere."
The Incredibles is awesome. It's one of my favourite films and in my opinion Pixar's finest work to date. A sequel would be most welcome but they would have to pull off something special to top the first.
Yeah definitely. Like Toy Story 2, it has to be at least equal, but ideally, vastly superior to the original. By the looks of things, Brad Bird wouldn't go ahead with it if it wasn't going to be. So I'm hopefull about this. :D
I thought it was incredibly average.

Hasn't been a really good CGI film since Finding Nemo imo.
Isn't he the director on Ratatouille too?

Maybe that will be worth a watch.

First time I saw the Incredibles was on a flight back from New York. My girlfriend kept jabbing her elbow in my ribs because I was laughing too loudly and embarassing her. :o
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