Brad Pitt possible for part as He-Man

No way...that would SUCK!! :o

You just cant beat Dolph Lundgren.

So Brad Pitt will be playing the New He-Man? You know the gay one with the pony tail that told kids to pick up broken glass with a paper towel? Not the old school He Man that could pick up MOUNTAINS and drank pints of real ale? ;)

Brad Pitt as if!
Master_X said:
No way...that would SUCK!! :o

You just cant beat Dolph Lundgren.

I actually watched that Masters Of The Universe film not that long ago....and it drips with just as much cheese as I remember :D Great film!
I actually watched that Masters Of The Universe film not that long ago....and it drips with just as much cheese as I remember

But least in the eighties you could get away with cheese, the idea of brad pitt playing He-Man is beyond cheesey.

Its Pure Squeezie cheese!! :D
Master_X said:
But least in the eighties you could get away with cheese, the idea of brad pitt playing He-Man is beyond cheesey.

Its Pure Squeezie cheese!! :D

I think it's worse than cheese. I categorise films like this:

1- Epic
2- Great
3- Watchable
4- Dull
5- Bad
6- Bad to the point of being quite fun
7- Unwatchable

Brad Pitt as He-Man is heading into "Unwatchable" territory. Hell, unless he bulks up massively he isn't even the right shape :) The only film I've seen him in where I've been impressed is Fight Club - aside from that, I can't remember seeing him in anything where I thought he did a good job.

And in my opinion, MOTU is a solid 6 on my scale - the acting isn't great, the story is actually another film entirely with the He-Man universe characters shoe-horned in (look at Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" comic book series, then MOTU, then tell me you can't see the similarities!), but it remains fun :D Though I haven't found many people that agree with me, I must admit....:o
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Skeletor in Masters of the Universe is absolutely awesome.

As is Gwildor (the dwarf).
I wonder if his first reaction when reading the title of the script on his desk was to laugh. Then his agent probably told him the salary... :p
JRS said:
The only film I've seen him in where I've been impressed is Fight Club - aside from that, I can't remember seeing him in anything where I thought he did a good job.

I thought he was great in Se7en... I'll admit, I can't think of anything else though :o
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