Bragging rights: Anyone in here an ACMT/ACSP?

18 Oct 2002
A vacancy I'm applying for has me thinking about getting my certification. I've been off-and-on about it for years, and only really looking into it properly now.

So, how did you guys go about it? The online stuff (AppleCare Technician Training) looks good, and, at £209, is a far sight cheaper than a 3-day course :o

Oh, one thing I can't seem to find is the cost of the exam... can anyone enlighten me?
Support Essentials is what I am currently 'learning' for...

Take learning loosely :p

Exam £89 I believe, a friend works at a test centre too so will be booking with him

The couse alone for Support is £945+VAT?!?!

It's worth me just going through the book and trying the exam? If it takes me two or three times? It'll be nothing compared to that price.

Online training looks interesting though, talk to me on msn. Tell me more.
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