
18 Oct 2002
In the air with the balls
Anyone tried this Brahma beer from Brazil? (info at I picked up some from the supermarket this morning and they're chilling away to be ready for the rugby :D

Is it any good?
I thought it was pretty nice, better than Corona which is a similar-ish 'light' beer. Always seemed to be quite cheap as well (seem to recall £3.50 for 6 bottles being a regular price at the offy in town).
I thought it was alright really, better than the usual filth I would drink... Then again, I like Fosters Ice so I don't think my opinion counts... :D

At least the bottles a re anice shape, lol.
Well the contents of the bottles are gone. I can say I thought it was a bit heavy and rich, almost the same consistency as Singha but no where near as good. A bit of the San Migs about it. Anyway finished this stuff then back on the Peroni :)
I've tried it a couple of times and can't say I liked it much, its acceptable as a cheapish beer but when a bar charges you the same for a Brahma as they do for a nice bottle of Nastro then there isn't a choice to be made.
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