Braid (game) under WINE or Virtualbox?

4 Jan 2004
I was wondering if it's possible to play Braid under Linux or OSX somehow?

Right now I have to reboot into windows, which is a bit of a pain... So to be able to play it under something like WINE or Virtualbox would be great. Has anyone already done this and got any tips? How easy is this and does it run OK?
Ive gamed it under WINE and it worked near perfectly.

See here for things to help get it working:

Cant comment on how well virtualbox works with 3d, but id imagine its pretty dogi as it's a very new technology.
Awesome link, looks like it should work fine. I think I'm going to go with WINE instead of VB... Does wine have much of a performance hit, as my CPU is a 1.6GHZ atom (linux netbook)!
Are you playing it through steam though? (might affect the outcome!)
I own the steam version. I'm hoping I can just copy the needed files from my steamapps folder from my WinXp machine.
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