Brake discs replace with pads?



6 Mar 2008
I need new rear pads and I am wondering if I should replace the discs at the same time.

The discs were 10.65mm as of January 7th this year and I believe they start at 11mm.

Car is Focus MK4 ST Line X.

Is it best practice to replace the discs whilst changing the pads or should I leave the discs?
Here's a pic

Does it look like they should be replaced ? Look quite rusty.
Mine look like this on my MK4 ST and I was advised to get both pads and discs done on rear at my next service. (The rear discs on the ST are the same as the rest of the Focus line-up, it's only the fronts that are different).

I don't know whether to get Ford OEM again, or stick something on that's coated so they don't rust like this next time

Do you know which size discs they are, on ECP it throws up two sizes - 271mm and 302mm.

So I'm not sure which to buy.
Will these discs damage the new pads though?

I don't particularly like hearing grinding noises if it's going to cause that.

Also, as I am getting new pads fitted next week, would it just make sense for the sake of £40 to ask them to put new discs on as well? I'm guessing it doesn't take much more time to put new discs on or does it ?
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