brake fluid resevoir cover



11 Jan 2006
West Midlands

I've seen bikes with a cover over the front brake fluid resevoir.

What does the cover do?
adds 10hp..

in all seriousness - they don't do anything that i'm aware of, apart from look 'cool'. Although I guess you could argue it would stop any drips getting on the paint work etc.. but it shouldn't be leaking anyway!
Years ago we used them for ill fitting caps but on a modern reservoir I would think not needed.

But it is true it does add 10hp.
It'll be the first thing that gets nicked 100% guaranteed

Remind me of those 80's wristbands/sweatbands
It's supposed to stop or soak up any water to keep it out of the fluid, that's what I was told years back.

Duno if it works or not? All the moto gp bikes have them, in reality just to look good lol.
Seriously does add 10hp, maybe 12 if you get a bright coloured one...

Would never ever buy one but I stick them on if I get one free from the Mags :p
Do you mean the little "sweat band" around the outside of the reservoir? If so ask JDM car owners, they all seem to have them.

Not me, My JDM MX5 mk1 is bog standard. None of that chav tat haha.

My mate had it on his Ducati 999, I couldn't help but laugh and think of the 80's ankle socks.
I was also under this impression. Stops the harmful UV rays from breaking down your fluid over time :)

And how about when they are put on cars with the fluid reservoirs under the bonnet?

I think you have more chance of the fairies coming in the night and drinking your fluid before you have problems with brake fluid due to UV rays.

Definately. These all sounds like pretty desperate reasons to justify snuggling your reservoir up with a little stretchy blanket.
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