Brake fluid

17 Oct 2002
I have a feeling that my brake fluid is leaking. I got it topped up earlier this month & told to keep an eye on it & it is down to about halfway between the max & min marks. When the guy at the garage topped it up he had a brief scrabble around looking under the car & couldn't see of feel any leaks but given the fact it is dropping I am quite sure that there is one somewhere. Any ideas how much it is likely to cost me when I get my car put in? Hoping that the brake fluid will last until the weekend :)
Brake fluid shouldn't just disappear, so you probably do have a minor leak somewhere. If your car has rear drums it might just be the cylinders weeping a touch, which is about £50 or so a side to put right. I doubt you have a leak in the pipework anywhere because the rate of loss would be much higher.
You wanna get this sorted quick smart mate. Brake fluid is corrosive to paint, not to mention slippery so if a cylinder's leaking and it's all over your brake discs.. doesn't bear thinking about. More than likely if you've got shoes on the rear a cylinder's weeping, or a brake pipe has corroded or took a stone chip and cracked. Get it sorted! Shouldn't cost too much to sort out depending on the car. :)
the brake fluid level does go down as the brake pads wearout, because the pistons are out of the cylinder`s more

if it has a leak its more than likely a weeping seal on a cylinder
Well turns out there is a problem with the gearbox as I am having to take it back in on Thursday for it to be removed :eek: :(

Cannot actually remember exactly what I was told in brief just that it is a big job requiring the gearbox being removed & now I know it is gonna cost a load :mad: :(

bloody cars :(
FYI twas the slave clutch cylinder leaking the break fluid so that has all been replaced now (by all I mean new cluctch kit & cylinder. Car feels really really strange to drive now though because theclutch is so different :rolleyes: :p

Cheers for the suggestions.
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