I ride a fairly old frame, it's a bit like Trigger's broom now - had it for about 8 years.
It came with V-brakes, which we're OK but seemed to often require adjusting to keep the rim in the centre of either side of the brakes - would get a lot of uneven wear. I'd change pads by just changing the inserts.
I wore through the braking surface on my rims with this, and went through pads every few months.
Finally switched over to hydraulic disc brakes as my frame, forks and hubs had mounts for them. These were awesome when first fitted, but then developed an issue where they'd not really slow me down much - and make horrendous sqeauling noises.
On advice from here, I bought some Race Matrix pads, and thoroughly cleaned the discs, callipers with brake cleaner and fitted them. Again, they were great at first - but are back to making horrible noises, and only really working well when it rains and the discs get wet.
I also now have an issue where both brakes have become spongy, and feels like they need bleeding (rear is worse, and I need to actually pump the lever to get it to brake).
So yeah.. I'm not really sure what to do, disc brakes just don't seem suitable for commuting - it seems just city cycling contaminates the pads in no time and then they're somewhat useless.. but then V-brakes were a pain to keep in top condition too.
Any suggestions?
I ride a fairly old frame, it's a bit like Trigger's broom now - had it for about 8 years.
It came with V-brakes, which we're OK but seemed to often require adjusting to keep the rim in the centre of either side of the brakes - would get a lot of uneven wear. I'd change pads by just changing the inserts.
I wore through the braking surface on my rims with this, and went through pads every few months.
Finally switched over to hydraulic disc brakes as my frame, forks and hubs had mounts for them. These were awesome when first fitted, but then developed an issue where they'd not really slow me down much - and make horrendous sqeauling noises.
On advice from here, I bought some Race Matrix pads, and thoroughly cleaned the discs, callipers with brake cleaner and fitted them. Again, they were great at first - but are back to making horrible noises, and only really working well when it rains and the discs get wet.
I also now have an issue where both brakes have become spongy, and feels like they need bleeding (rear is worse, and I need to actually pump the lever to get it to brake).
So yeah.. I'm not really sure what to do, disc brakes just don't seem suitable for commuting - it seems just city cycling contaminates the pads in no time and then they're somewhat useless.. but then V-brakes were a pain to keep in top condition too.
Any suggestions?