Brakes, pedal range inconsitant

18 Oct 2002
My brake pedal isn't consitant anymore, sometimes the lightest touch will stop it other times to stop from 5mph means i literally have to put my foot on the floor.

Any ideas what it could be?
Firestar_3x said:
Was this after the cheshire meet per chance?

That road is very hard on brakes so you might have done fluid / pad / disk damage.

yep, was quite scary going downhill and then having no brakes. Was on a steep downhill just before we hit the escort and other car. (This is where i lost you lot)

edit, went back monday and saw my fresh skid marks :(
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Sone said:
it does, but i had little/no brakes. Skid marks were from the back.

Eh, ABS works on all wheels, if the backs locked up chances are you would have gone round, anyways if what you are saying is true then you have many more problems with your car than just boiled brake fluid..............
Firestar_3x said:
Eh, ABS works on all wheels, if the backs locked up chances are you would have gone round, anyways if what you are saying is true then you have many more problems with your car than just boiled brake fluid..............

brakes were not working well, slammed the wheel hard right, back end started to slide so i floored it to keep it in line.
Could very well be the master cylinder.

Get in the car, very lighly put your foor on the brake, does it creep down? I have got this problem atm, if I brake very lighly say at a slow moving speed, the pedal travels but at say 30mph you apply at a normal speed and it's fine.
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