Branded Stickers?

25 Jul 2009
Hi guys,

I know a lot of places do it but what are you thoughts on placing your company logo as a sticker on fixed/repaired computers/devices?

To give you an idea I own a computer repair business and a lot of people say place your stickers on all jobs going out. In my opinion this is ok if it's a supplied, laptop, printer, router etc but if a computer comes to me and I replace the screen for example is it acceptable for me the place a sticker on the bottom of the case with my business details/phone number?

Thought I would get some other opinions :)

Some great ideas and some.... :cry:

Saliva with the pandemic would be chaos.

I always give out a few business cards with jobs so I may leave it at that for now.
I don't see much point in a business card either. They know who you are because they found you in the first place. But I do think that a small flyer or pamplet whowing what other services your business offers (or even the business card if you have space to put it on the back) can give them information they didn't know of.

Quite a few people have told me don't bother with flyers, lol. I usually give them a few business cards with the intent they may hand out to people they know :)
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