Brandy / Cognac drinkers....

29 Dec 2009
So who is a brandy fan? Whats your day to day kind, and whats your occasional favourite?

My usual bottle is Three Barrels, love the stuff :) And for the odd time I can afford it or ask for it as a gift its Remy Martin VSOP. Im not a big fan of Martel or Courvoisier.

Wouldnt mind trying some more obscure kinds though, so I await peoples reccomendations.
My favourite regular day to day Cognac is usually Courvoisier and XO, or Croizet XO. VSOP in most of the other brands are perfectly drinkable too though, I just prefer the XO.

Armagnac - J. Nismes-Delclou, anything from 1980 - 1990 is really good.

Calvados - Pere Magloire VSOP.
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