Breathable Business Shirts

24 Sep 2007
Does anyone else find it hard to find breathable business shirts? I find this problem very annoying, because you buy some business shirts, only to find they aren't very breathable, which makes them very uncomfortable to wear, as you start feeling hot and sweaty very quickly. The problem is, it seems hard to identify what will be ok. Some cotton polyester mix shirts are OK, some aren't. I guess it might be down to the weave. However, it seems very hard to discern when looking at a shirt in its packet, whether it will be breathable or not.

Does anyone else share this problem? Any tips on how to find breathable shirts?

Hi Guys

Does anyone else find a lot of the mens shirts available today from places like Debenhams and M&S are not breathable and you end up feeling very humid and uncomfortable in them? I don't know what is causing this, because 10 years ago I never had this problem, and even though I bought new shirts, I end up wearing my old ones, because they are the only ones I find comfortable. Maybe it is because they have moved to cheaper manufacturing, or favour tighter weaves, or are treating the shirts in some way? Anyway, this is a problem for me, and I end up going to TK Maxx and buying random brands in the hope that some will be breathable and comfortable. However, this is a bit hit and miss so can end up being expensive.

Has anyone else had this problem and where did you find some good breathable shirts?

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