
3 May 2012
Anyone else a fan?

Been drinking Brewdog a while now I really like their stuff.

The (I think) OG Punk IPA is ok..... But the Hazy Jane and Elvis Juice are damn good. I could drink Hazy Jane all day and the Elvis Juice but at 6.5% it'll get you mangled.

Some of the other ones are really good as well.

Fair play to what I believe (please correct me if not) still an independent brewery.

Makes a change from most of the mass produced *****.
I didnt realise they don't treat their staff very well, bit of a shame.

As for them pretending to be small but not, I am not sure how that is relevant, its not to me anyway, I am not bothered at all as long as the beer is good.

I have tried some of those others mentioned, Vocation, Northern Monk, Tiny Rebel is another, there are some others, they are good. I quite like the Beavertown but its pretty expensive.

There is one local(ish) Oakham Ales that do one called Citra that is pretty good, they brew that in Peterborough I think.

But I do like Hazy Jane and Elvis Juice, both of which you can get on offer, Hazy Jane £14 for 12 is just over a pound a can. Cant go wrong.
similar to what they did after they ruined Elvis Juice.

What do you mean about this one? Is it the fact they seem to have two versions?

I don't understand why as the label looks identical, but one seems to be 6.5% abv and the other, 5.1%.

The stuff in Tesco is the 6.5% and that is also what the sell in Wetherspoons now, but I did actually have to pull them up on it as I once ordered some stated as 6.5% and when it turned up it was the 5.1% version. They seem to have corrected that now however, as for at least the last year or so its the 6.5% you get. But another shop near here they sell the 5.1% version, I admit I have no idea why.

By the way, I am not bothered about ABV in beer as such, if anything I prefer some of the not so strong ones and you need to be careful, particularly with something like a 6.5% beer as it can catch you out. In Spoons they sell the 660ml bottles of Evlis Juice 6.5% version, its something like 8 units of alchohol if you have just two of those, so although it doesnt seem like you are drinking much, in terms of alcohol you are.

I Also agree about the Punk IPA - its actually not my favourite of their line up, I'll drink it, its okay, but much prefer some of their others.

I think another one they do which is really nice is Lightspeed, which is a Hazy IPA but a lot lighter alchohol wise but got a really fruity flavour.
Not trying to turn this into a Vocation Vs Brewdog but just drinking another one of Vocation's IPAs, Roll With It DDH pale ale, and whilst it's perfectly fine to drink, Brewdog's Hazy Jane is better.
Tried the Aldi Brewdog.

In case anyone isn't familiar they sell Genuine Aldi branded but made by Brewdog IPA.

It's okay..... bit bland really, prefer Hazy Jane or some of the others they do.

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