Brian Rose for mayor!

24 Oct 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a bit of a treat on this lovely Friday. I'd like to introduce you to Brian Rose. I'm keeping my opinions out of this for as long as possible (I'll probably succumb to them at some point but hopefully you've drawn your own conclusions by then).

Meet Brian. Brian likes dressing like a 1920s mobster. Brian is a former Wall Street banker who probably has Google's defamation lawyers on speed dial and doesn't like people saying nasty things about him, oh no. It's for this reason that when you search for him on Google, you'll generally only ever find interviews or articles he's done himself, or which he's not put in a complaint about. (ah crap, that lasted long! ah well).

Brian came to London to start a podcast called London Real which is on Youtube. He's got 2m bought definitely legit subscribers, evidenced by his insane viewing numbers, ie. he struggles. A lot. Most channels with 2m subscribers will get hundreds of thousands of views yet Brian struggles to get above 5k. There are people who post 3 second long videos of a bird going "peep" who get more views than him, yet every day he soldiers on as if he's some kind of Youtube guru with a massive following.

He had an interview with David Icke at some point which was a raging success for him and garnered a ton of attention, but eventually Youtube took it down because it attracted the usual conspiracy nuts and mmjs and flatly denied that the Coronavirus was real, because it's David Icke, what else would he say?

Because of this, Brian decided to launch is own content hosting site, which he called the Digital Freedom Platform. He crowdfunded over $1m to get it up and running and then it all died down, Brian's platform was nowhere to be seen and neither was the money. Any comments on his videos were deleted or removed, anything negative about him was censored, and Brian used every trick in the book to make all the badness go away. But read between the lines and connect the dots and you'll find all the evidence you need to see what a con artist this man is.

I know I'm kinda-sorta making this seem like it's not that big a deal but the more you dig on Brian, the more you find. It's hard though because as mentioned he's extremely adept at controlling his image on the internet. He even has a course on his site which has some rather interesting reviews on Trustpilot:

Loads of mysterious 5 star reviews on there, I'm sure all legit, amongst all the "beware scam" reviews and one of them even says "London Real flagged this review for defamatory comment the edited adjectives are in quotation marks" - this is a man who works very, very hard to maintain the lie.

Even Reddit (Reddit is so hot right now) is on the defamation train:

But! He's back and now he's running for mayor! And guess what? You can donate! or volunteer!

So, what are you waiting for? Go give the man some money!

He needs to pay his fine for breaking lockdown rules too. Oh dear.


I'll let Coffeezilla take it over from here:

I chose my words incorrectly. I was meaning Rose is the number 1 contender against Khan above the Conservative Shaun Bailey.

I was going to put a bet on Bailey to win. But I was reading that the Conservative HQ are pulling out resources from his campaign.

I'm not a fan of Khan and hope he goes. I'm just unsure if Rose can do it. I'll have to wait closer to the time before making a betting judgement.

Rose is only doing it for a quick buck, no chance he'll make it as mayor.

I also suspect he's manipulating the odds on Betfair. It's what he does.
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