Around 10 maybe 12 years ago a bought a fuji s5600 bridge camera as at the time it was highly recommended for its price. Its spent most of its time in the case that came with it.
Fast forward 12 years I've never learnt how to use it but the wife is 11 weeks pregnant and I'm considering getting it out to take some pics. My concern is it's all of 5mp and had probably been far bettered even by modern day smart phones.
Is it worth playing with our should I just put it back in the box?
Fast forward 12 years I've never learnt how to use it but the wife is 11 weeks pregnant and I'm considering getting it out to take some pics. My concern is it's all of 5mp and had probably been far bettered even by modern day smart phones.
Is it worth playing with our should I just put it back in the box?