Brighton By Night

28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
I took myself down to good ol' Brighty this evening for some fun!

Here are the results...

Stage Door:

A mannequin @ ISO 1600!:

A funky shop in the lanes:
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im liking the colouring on those, think i might head out my self for a shot or 2!

minor points the window dolly is a touch noisey, noiseware is recomended by many on here should clean it up.

the final shot suffers from barrel distortion not sure how you correct for this

dont take my often flawed opinion to heart tho im a noobie :D
Cheers for the comments. I left the mannequin as is really. CBB to de-noise it! I'll d/l some software when I feel the need....!

Are you located near Brighton? It's quite cool walking round there in the evening. You get left alone pretty much, apart from the odd mad woman or 2 waving and shouting at the camera!
danza said:
Cheers for the comments. I left the mannequin as is really. CBB to de-noise it! I'll d/l some software when I feel the need....!

Are you located near Brighton? It's quite cool walking round there in the evening. You get left alone pretty much, apart from the odd mad woman or 2 waving and shouting at the camera!

lol The only people walking around in bighton at night are drunken students ;) I used to be one of them, walked past St Pauls (which I think this is the same one.) to Pheonix Halls.

I can't quite place where is Madeira Drive and Simutane thou which btw its my fav one out of the set.
Wow, some really atmospheric shots there.

I think I'd leave the noise in on the mannequin. It might go a bit plasticy if you try to remove it.
Raymond Lin said:
I can't quite place where is Madeira Drive and Simutane thou which btw its my fav one out of the set.

I dunno where simullane is either but the shot of madeira drive is done on the walkway closest to the "cliff".

Great shots, very moody :)

That shot taken above the pressure point raymond?
Some nice shots :)

St Pauls is actually St Peters! :D

Madeira Drive is the road that runs along the seafront to the left of the Palace Pier.

As a side note... it's the Veteran Car run this Sunday. London - Brighton and the weather is forecast to be sunny so there may be some good photo ops as the ancient cars pull into Madeira Drive :)
Nice shots, i especialy like numbers 1, 4 and the last one. Probably would pick 4 as my favourite as the contrast is quite nice that you have achived and also the blurred perosn who is walking looks quite effective.
Cheers for all the comments guys!

The Simultane place is near-ish to Donatello's restaurant ~2 mins away.

As for a Brighton meet-that'd be ace. I'd defo be up for it. ;)
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