Bristol people! Anyone going to Venn Festival?

penski: I haven't a clue what yer on about, but it's good to know I'm ont the only one who's heard of the Wagon Christ. ;)

Dreadi:There's stuff going on on Sun if you aren't too hungover :D
Ahh, I get it now. :) I'll have to report back sunday or monday if it was any good or not. A lot of his recent stuff is very acidy, so it should sound good thru a big rig. :D
Well I've just about recovered now... It was great. Vibert was amazing, but he didn't play until 2am, and I was a bit knackard by that time... it was worth waiting for tho. :) He started of with housier stuff, but later on he done loads Jungley type stuff... was awesome.

Also, I heard loads of other random stuff... Including a man playing a mouth organ with a rubber glove! :D Not everything was my cup of tea, but Dan le sac was good, and vexkiddy were hilarious. If you around Bristol this time next year, I can highly recommended it.
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