I found this article in this weeks micromart.
I knew that the PS2 outsold the Xbox, but I was absolutely shocked that it was by soo much. Makes you wonder though - if there wasn't a company with Microsofts untold wealth behind the Xbox it would have died on it's arse in the UK a long time ago.
Sorry but everytime I re-read the above quote im still in shock
MicroMart said:"2005 was not a good year for the British arm of the Redmond clan it seems, what with all the bugs and fixes and now the revelation that their attempts to woo us with the Xbox failed with flying colours. In fact, the console turned out to be a bit of a lemon over here with only 389,000 being sold, including sales figures for the 360 in the short time it's been out. Of course, if you drop the 360 from the equation, they're in an even worse mess, having sold a paltry 129,000 boxes all told. The winners in this round, unsuprisingly, the Sony squadron who managed to shift a meaty 1.2 million PS2s and 795,000 PSPs over the course of the year. This round to Sony. Watch this space for updates."
I knew that the PS2 outsold the Xbox, but I was absolutely shocked that it was by soo much. Makes you wonder though - if there wasn't a company with Microsofts untold wealth behind the Xbox it would have died on it's arse in the UK a long time ago.
Sorry but everytime I re-read the above quote im still in shock