Broadlink RM Pro - Any folks using it with their Amazon Echo?

15 Nov 2003

Looking to get one and use my Echo to control my LG E7 TV, Onkyo 646 Amp and Sky HD box via scenes. ie: So I say something to Alexa, and it turns my TV and Amp on, and sets the on the amp etc...

Any folks using it for this sort of purpose?
Wasn't aware of the ibroadlink kit. I have Logitech Harmony and it works really well unless you want multi-room control. I can't have a hub downstairs to control the Sky box etc and and 2nd hub upstairs to control the telly controlled from 2 remotes. I haven't found a way to share an action between the 2 hubs. Does the rmPro do this?
Wasn't aware of the ibroadlink kit. I have Logitech Harmony and it works really well unless you want multi-room control. I can't have a hub downstairs to control the Sky box etc and and 2nd hub upstairs to control the telly controlled from 2 remotes. I haven't found a way to share an action between the 2 hubs. Does the rmPro do this?
Can't say as I don't have one... But I'm aware of people having multiple devices around the house. Not sure if you'd end up with the control you'd be after.

Look up Paul Hibbert's channel on YouTube for loads of info on it. That may help answer your question?
OMG! If you want to change the wifi network of the RMPro, say goodbye to ALL YOUR DEFINITIONS OF ALL TVs, Amplifiers. Everything! Even all the scenes you've defined! I have 24 scenes which now I want to change my wifi network name, according to support, I WILL LOSE IT ALL! Just to change over a wifi name!
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