Broke MP3 player, replace with which one?

6 Jul 2006
South East
As per title, my Creative Zen managed a back flip out my pocket and off the side of a building site to certain doom upon impact. :( Now I’d had the Zen since retail and was still happy it, but of course tech moves along etc. So enquiring with you guys as to what in your opinion is the player to have around £60 to £90 price range?

Prefer decent screen, 4 to 8gb storage, high quality audio, decent vid playback, size no bigger than Zen, care not about quality of the supplied headphones since I already own a couple of decent phones, but most of all no hidden costs. Friend of mine suggested an IPod, but tbh unless they are 'that good' I don’t want to be a sheep. ;)

Opinions and input appreciated. :)
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Sony NWZA818 looks interesting thanks, anyone else care to add other player suggestions? :) I'll be looking around shops on Sunday with intent to purchase.
Had a look at the Sony NWZA818B 8GB yesterday, sound is very good, however salesman told me it can be a bit fussy with some vid playback? Also im now tempted by the 16GB Zen as one shop has it for a very decent price at present, my old Zen was 4GB.

Checking out some more today since i run out of time yesterday, these will include Cowon and Samsung range.
Had a look at many of the models mentioned above today, top 3 for me: Sony NWZA818, Samsung YP-P2 and Cowon D2. Took my Senn 300's along so got an equal level of phones sound instead of the varying quality you get from supplied headphones, have not purchased one yet as I’m going to check websites for some price comparisons, which will probably be the deciding factor in the end...

Sometimes things are the most popular for a reason...

As for the IPod Nano, had a listen to friends Nano yesterday and the sound to my ears was not as good when compared to others, imo. So I'd have to agree with james.miller, sales are top via the great marketing drive.

Cheers for advice etc, of course happy to hear more opinions :)
Well I’ve played around with all the recommended MP3 players and I’m down to just these two: Sony NWZ-A828K or Sony NWZ-A818. Am I correct in thinking the only real diff is just screen size and Bluetooth or did I missing something, because sound wise they seemed equal quality to my ears.
Cheers for clearing that up :) Seen the Sony NWZ-A818 priced between £89.99 to £109.99, and Sony NWZ-A828K anything from £129.99 to high as £169.00! Well its final decision time, thanks for all your help and advice people. :D
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