Broke my iMac

6 Jan 2004
Messing around I err, well completely formatted the hard drive whilst on the installation disk. So before installing I formatted everything.

Now obviously I have no OS X and I cannot reinstall with my girlfriends discs.

I have looked around the internet and I think I may have to use the exact disks that came with my iMac is that correct?

If not I have a big paperweight!
You have to use the original discs unless you have an upgrade disc.

Apparently the files for installations on all hardwares are on the OS X discs but there's a few little files which restrict them being installed on a different computer, to the one they were purchased with.
Hmm, from what I understand that's not quite correct.

From conversations with the boss at work, this is how I think it works.

The original disks that come with a new Mac can only be installed on that particular model but if I go and buy a Leopard DVD then it can be installed on any Mac whether it has an OS on it or not.
Well yes, the 'upgrade' disc I refer to would be that Leopard DVD in the event he bought a computer with Tiger. If you're even talking to me or responding to the op. :p
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