Broke my iPod Touch screen, need advice on repairing

12 Jul 2005
Hi All,

Was getting changed in the gym yesterday and managed to drop my iPod touch (1st Gen) on the tiled floor which resulted in 3 fine cracks down the glass screen.

While the touch still works have a feeling it is more subsceptable now to further cracking and possible water ingress.

So I want to replace the glass on the front. So the information I'm looking for is.

1) Is it possible to do this myself and if so where can I source new parts.
2) Can anyone recommend a company to do the repair for me and if so any ideas how much it might cost. It would be good to get a recommendation from someone who has used a company before.

Cheers for your help


i have just claimed on the insurance for my iphone, (broken screen - still works but cracked) and they have just called me the other day saying that its not worth repairing and are giving me a settlement figure, might give you an idea that its not a easy job?
If it is similar to an iPhone 2G then it simply won't be worth it as it is a nightmare getting the thing apart.

A new iPod Touch doesn't cost that much anyway, oh and get a case!
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