broken crossfires:( and an insurance claim

26 May 2004
Well title says it.My son broke a sat on my crossfires and im not happy.I did not want to replace them as they are great all rounders,did i mention im not happy? As these crossfires are old i cant buy a sat from anywhere.I missed an e-bay auction that closed a few weeks ago for a full set, 32 quid! i would pay that for 1 speaker hehe.So im even less happy...

Insurance company has offered a set of z-5400 as a replacement.Telling me they are a specification match.So to finally get round to the question...Are these really as good as what i have lost?

I mean the crossfires when i bought them only seemed to be bested by a klipsch set in most reviews.Only reason i didnt buy those was they were not available in the uk.So are a current set of mid-ranges as good as my old high end ones? is pretty much what i need to know.

sorry for the minor ramble.But really, i have the right hump :)
The Crossfire were great MM speakers for their days (though I don't think many people here have heard them). But if you check 3dss, the Megaworks 510D just about edged it. The Megaworks are still one of the better MM available, bested by the Gigaworks and Klipsh Ultra (the Z-560/680 doesn't really touch them except for bass booms).
That said, I've not tested the latest Logitech (z-5400/5500). Folks here seem to be really keen on them, I've seen a few pick it over the Gigas. At 3dss, the z-5500 doesn't get as much creds, although people who have tested them the old Logitech, Gigaworks and new Logitech have said that the new Logitech did improve on some of the shortcoming, and though it is still not as detailed as the Gigaworks, it is not a bad buy.

Bottom line, if the z-series are remotely comparable to the Gigas (s series) and Klipsh Ultra, then it shouldn't be a downgrade from the Crossfire. In any case, it's not like you really have other choices right?

(Oh yea, I've not looked at the difference between the z-5400 and z-5500.. As long as it's not like Inspire vs Gigaworks, then it should be alright)
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