Broken Garage door window, explaining to parents?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
I was in my garage, shooting some targets with my air pistol, which im usually very very sensible with, use saftey goggles etc.I usually have no trouble at all with it, the steel BB's just fall into my pellet trap, I shot at the paper target from an angle this time, but this wasent inline with my pellet trap, so it went through, riocheted off the brick wall with so much force it went into the glass panel in the garage door, making a small whole in the inside, but a big chunk out on the other side.

Now i have no idea what to tell me parents without them taking it away from me, any suggestions?
squiffy said:
Tell them it was a glass worm (like woodworm, but they make holes in glass)

Could do rofl, but theres loads of little pellets all over the floor in the garage so i ts impossible to say anything like that. I reckon the best bet is just to do what cleanbluesky said, and see what the outcome is :(
furnace said:
I know this could offend you so when I say "no offence" I mean it, I'm not being sarcastic..!

But I find it quite wierd that some peoples parents are like this? I mean like, my Dad wouldn't care less - he knows I wouldn't smash the window with a BB gun on purpose and theres no point getting all irritated about an accident... His reaction would be like;

Me: "Uhm, Daaaadddd" (in a jokey kind of way)
Dad: "Whaattt...?"
Me: "I've kind of broken a window" (followed by an explanation)
Dad: *frown at me* (goes off to inspect the damage) "Hrm okay. Just be careful next time, you sod."

Obviously it's the way I've been bought up, but I always find it wierd when people parents get annoyed about accidents? I know I'm 20 so I don't really "get told off" now, but me Dad's been like that since I can remember - my Mum has too.

Well my mum would be very angry, but my dad probably would be like that, but, im not entirely sure.

As for the people saying fix it, i dont know how to fix glass!
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