Broken Imgur links?

8 Aug 2004
Has anyone else experienced this problem?

E.g. browsing some threads here, I'm getting broken links to embedded Imgur images. I've tried refreshing, browser restart (happening in Chrome and Safari), still nothing.

If I open the image URL in a new tab, I get 403- Forbidden. Refreshing this doesn't work. However if I re-paste the URL (e.g. just highlighting the URL and hitting Enter) the image loads. But still nothing loads on the forum. Cache cleared etc.

Any ideas why this is happening? I'm running Lion. Strangely also similar issue on my iPad, so I'm guessing it's something from my ISP??
idk, it's happening for me too, both on my iPad and on my windows 7 machine running chrome. maybe imgur's just being daft?
Aye, something about referrals and such...

Running Chrome here and half the images / gifs don't load now. Same with IE
I noticed this too!

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Chrome extension of the above (Refcontrol) and adding block to http://* does sort the issue out. At least on OSX. The trouble of course is - it's pointless for us to find workaround on per browser basis when everyone else cannot see those linked images. If imgur doesn't support refering websites any more then its as good as chocolate teapot and needs to be ditched.
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