broken internal cat5e cable

29 Oct 2012
Skipton, UK
I moved into a new build Miller home in March and I had a cat5e cable fitted internally from the back upstairs bedroom to under the stairs with a termination plate at each end and all wired up correctly to B standard at both ends.

This used to work fine running 200mb with a virgin media fibre line.

My pc has a gigabit adapter and it used to show a gigabit connection.

In the past few months it has started to drop connection and reconnect and I tried numerous new cables at each end to attempt to rectify. Still had the same issue.

The adapter (set to auto for the speed etc) started to show only a 100mb connection with the warning that the link partner was not at full speed.

The drops continued and got worse (every few minutes) until the adapter showed only a 10mb connection and now it will not connect at all.

I have tested the termination pins and they all have good connectivity at both ends.

I have plugged straight into the router and I get gigabit connections with other devices and almost 200mb on wifi.

I have a 10 meter cat5e cable which I have tested for continuity and all 8 wires are great. I plugged in this cable to the upstairs face plate and ran down the stairs, effectively giving me a loop with both ends now in under the stairs. This allowed me to test for continuity of the internal wires on the cable.

They are all good except the orange wire which shows 0.

I have an electrician coming (as all under warranty etc) to check this out but I am wondering what options we might actually have (other than taking out the wall and refitting a new cable). I have seen the house before it was plastered and this cable is nailed in at about 100 places internally so no chance of pulling a new one through.

My idea is this: does a gigabit connection use all 8 wires? As per the B wiring standard it says that 4 of the wires are not actually in use. What I would hope might work would be to swap around some of the pins at each termination so the orange wire (or pair) become the unused wire/pair. Grasping at straws here.

Any help is hugely appreciated
If there's no pull wire - please tell me you insisted on pull wires - use the old cable to pull a new cable through
If there's no pull wire - please tell me you insisted on pull wires - use the old cable to pull a new cable through

I have an electrician coming (as all under warranty etc) to check this out but I am wondering what options we might actually have (other than taking out the wall and refitting a new cable). I have seen the house before it was plastered and this cable is nailed in at about 100 places internally so no chance of pulling a new one through.
We have that, it'll tell you where a full break is, but if it's a half severed cable, it may test ok but be problematic.
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