Broken Macbook... what can i use it for?

13 May 2007
Lancashire, UK
I've got a 6 month old macbook, which has somehow had the screen smashed on it. I've already replaced it with a Macbook Pro, so I don't need the portable side of it, but I'm thinking that there must be something I can do with it instead.

So what can I install on it, or use it for, to stop me just throwing it away? Thinking along the lines of server apps, but there must be something else I could do with it as well.
Yes the laptop works fine (even the screen if you don't mind all the bleeding), but can't really be carried around anymore.
Thanks for all the offers guys, but this thread was about ways to avoid getting rid of this laptop. Not to find potentials buyers for it :p
I've managed to install Windows Server on it so it will be running that, whilst I try and the case opened up and turned into something more pleasing!
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