Broken medusa 5.1 - what now?

21 Aug 2006
Dear all,

After some detective work, I think the amp on my speedlink medusa 5.1 headset has gone - it won't pass through a left front speaker signal to the headset or even to my speakers now, and it's developed a "click, click, click, clicking" noise in the background which it didn't used to have.

My options seem to be:

a) Try to get a replacement amp from speedlink/medusa (I've emailed them but no reply as yet)

b) Buy a replacement set (a bit annoying - they were only £40 when I bought them and a replacement (with pass through for the speakers) is now £60!)

c) Go for an alternative. I really LOVE the 5.1 for gaming - CS:S and unreal tournament - it's useful as well as fun. Are there any others that match up? Or can somebody persuade me that the stereo ones are better? Good luck to them if they can ;)

- Or what else can I do???

Thanks for your thoughts.

PS - I've heard the USB version of the medusas is rubbish compared to the ones that use your sound card - does anybody know how that's been tested?
I had a pair of Medus'a for over a year, so im not from the usual "5.1 headphones are a waste of time" group, however, I can't reccomend the 161's from Sennheiser enough.

You still get very good sound positioning, nice and comfy, and cheap too if you look around. Got mine for £30 on special from OcUK.

Wow - they say on the blurb that they are 360 degree surround sound things - that sounds pretty damn good. Good to see praise for them too..

However - how do you plug them in? At the moment I've got some THX amazing (albeit 4.1) Altec Lansing speakers and I like to be able to switch between speakers and headset pretty easily - do they have that function or what else can I do?

And - how on earth does this sound positioning work in English? Sounds weird... :rolleyes: :confused: :)
Cool - what sort of splitter did you get? There are so many damn cables in the world, and I always seem to buy the wrong ones! ;)

I must be a cable noob.
Cool!!! That's extremely straightforward and I can feel myself about to push that buy button at oc (as soon as they get some cans back in stock mind... :( )

Thanks for that!!!

The geek in me would still like to know how they work but I bet I can look that up on their webbie. Ta.
I managed to get my medusa' to work for about another week becuase I found a cable loose. But now it's come back so I might well have to buy again...

Question - aren't those Senn 161's really small and sit on your ears? I've got used to my big medusa muffs and I kinda like it.

I basically want this:

1 - Big muffs (lol)
2 - Directional sound (5.1 or whatever the tech I don't care)
3 - An inbuilt microphone - no way I'm using a desk mic
4 - NOT USB - I have a 5.1 soundcard output I'm happy with
5 - About 40-80 quid, so long as good value

BUT - I'm prepared to admit the medusa sound quality isn't perfect - I know nothing about the AKG's, Goldring, Beyerdynamics or Audio Technica's I'm afraid. If anyone here does and can recommend a particular set I'd be happy to look at that. Or are there Senn's with big muffs?

Where can you try these headphones out do you think? I can't think of any shops that sell a good range of these headphones - and certainly none that'll let you try them out on mass...

Tchan - I got some of those splitters so I could still use my speakers - haven't noticed a reduction in sound quality myself, but the signal was already going through a medusa amp box so maybe it's comparable.

I'm not claiming to be a particular audiophile here though, so it depends on your preferences. I just can't see any difference.
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