Broken steering lock/unauthorised work by mechanics

13 Mar 2006
The steering lock on my 2013 street triple r was broken a few weeks back. I took it to the local Triumph dealer to fix it, and was told by the guy dealing with it that he'd need to take a look, see what needed replacing and give me a call to let me know what needed doing, give me a price and when it would be ready etc.

Having not heard anything I call them the next day and am told the guy working on it doesn't work that day. I call a few days later as I still haven't heard anything, to be told the guy stopped working for Triumph, that it's taken them several hours 'as triumph fitted the wrong thread locking compound at the factory', but I wouldn't be charged for the extra time it took. When I do pick it up I find out they've replaced all the locks and fitted new brake pads, 2 hours labour and tried to charge me 510 quid all in. I was a bit annoyed at being charged so much for parts and work I hadn't agreed to, and they ended up doing the parts at cost and only charging an hours labour.

Does changing the steering lock require changing the ignition barrel/key, and for future reference, where do you stand if they do work without getting the go-ahead first?
The steering lock is part of the barrel yes. Did you ask them to change the full lock set or just the ignition?

As for the pads, I wouldn't pay for them if you never asked for them to be changed.
They should have advised you they needed replacing (if they did) and asked whether you wanted them doing before carrying out the work.

I didn't think they'd need to change the ignition key/barrel tbh, the guy doing it just said "I'll need to take a look to see what parts we'll need to order in, and I'll give you a call when I've taken a look to let you know what needs to be done etc". I couldn't see much of the extent of damage other than that the pig-iron bit of the steering lock had sheared off from the judicious use of scumbags foot. Ignition turned fine with the key and steering was fine for a 30 mile ride to the dealers. From looking at the lock the barrel and steering lock is basically one bit with the barrel sitting on top of the cast iron bit that sits in the triple tree, the steering lock bolt is fine, just the metal bit the barrel sits in is sheared. Seems pretty stupid if it's designed so you have to buy the whole thing and change locks for a small weak cast metal bit that's probably brokwn in almost all bike thefts.

I took the thread locking compound as probably bs.
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