Brother in Arms: Hells Highway gameplay footage!

Looks very nice, though the vid is a little low quality, but gives a good representaiton of what the game is going to be like.

Seems I was right after seeing the initial trailer for this, the trailer was a tarted up stylised version, with added special camera stuff, and not proper ingame.

It's wierd the graphics in this, some of it looks truly amazing, proper next gen, but other shots don't seem to have any form of shadows and objects seem to be just floaty in the world.
That looks really nice, only watched about half way through (damn my internet connection).

When they walk out into the street it and he's looking at the pavement the detailed looked very lifelike, for once you don't have invisible feet either lol.

I hope this is like COD but with much better graphics and decent squad work :D
Looks ok...not much different to the tedious original though...looks very much the same. The 'realism' of commanding your squad to crouch behind walls (ooh!) or stand next to doors (ahh!) soon gets boring. Just slows down the game.

And i hate the commentators :D ..same sort of spiel as the last game.."i need to make a decision here"...or "i don't wannt lose any of my men" etc etc...trying to make it seem more intense and tactical that it actually is! :) :rolleyes: and the obligitory 'ex-commando' who's been there, done that and has made invaluable input in to the game's development.

Then...when it's's crap.
Tried&Tested said:
Looks ok...not much different to the tedious original though...looks very much the same. The 'realism' of commanding your squad to crouch behind walls (ooh!) or stand next to doors (ahh!) soon gets boring. Just slows down the game.

And i hate the commentators :D ..same sort of spiel as the last game.."i need to make a decision here"...or "i don't wannt lose any of my men" etc etc...trying to make it seem more intense and tactical that it actually is! :) :rolleyes: and the obligitory 'ex-commando' who's been there, done that and has made invaluable input in to the game's development.

Then...when it's's crap.

I loved the Brothers in arms games I had for my PC, I also like republic commando which followed the same format.
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