
2 Jun 2004
wasn't really sure where to post this, but anyway...

was wondering if anyone knew how to take screenshots of your site like they do at browsershots. ie the whole page in one picture.
You could do one manually with Opera, view in fullscreen and take a screenshot. But if you need to scroll down it could be a bit harder. I guess you could scroll down and take screenshots.. then just fit them all together.

There's an extension for Firefox that does this using Java - auto-scrolls the page grabbing several screenshots, and then stitches them together. Can be a bit buggy, and has the Java requirement:, but it works well enough.

Not sure how browsershots does it for all the different setups, but I imagine it's a similar trick.
Augmented said:
There's an extension for Firefox that does this using Java - auto-scrolls the page grabbing several screenshots, and then stitches them together. Can be a bit buggy, and has the Java requirement:, but it works well enough.
I use it all the time and I can't say I've ever had any problems. It's a good little extension though.
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