BSG: Season 4 is the final season!!

Four seasons of BSG will allow the whole story to be told without it going stale on us. It's been a great bit of TV but it seems from the story that viewing figures haven't been what they were hoping, a bit like Rome.
3rd season is disappointing tbh so I can see why they want only one more season, wish it wasnt like that though.

As awesome as BSG is, it's got a storyline that has to reach its conclusion eventually. They were always planning for three/four seasons apparently, so the writing can stay tight and on focus. I don't want the program to get stale and constantly dodge any real ending. Season three had a few iffy episodes as it was, and they weren't a patch on its better moments.

If you want a true injustice, the fact that The Wire is only going to have one more season, and so few people are aware of its existence tops them all. It makes me all :(.
Weebull said:

As awesome as BSG is, it's got a storyline that has to reach its conclusion eventually. They were always planning for three/four seasons apparently, so the writing can stay tight and on focus. I don't want the program to get stale and constantly dodge any real ending. Season three had a few iffy episodes as it was, and they weren't a patch on its better moments.

If you want a true injustice, the fact that The Wire is only going to have one more season, and so few people are aware of its existence tops them all. It makes me all :(.

Umm never heard of The Wire, I have just ordered Season 1 for £17.99. Thought I will give it a try on your recommendation! :D
Yikes. It's pretty unlike BSG (not being a sci-fi for a start), if you thought that at all. However, it is easily the best series on TV, and if you give it the time to get going (the series are very slow moving, as nothing is conluded in a single episode), you won't be disappointed.
Weebull said:
Yikes. It's pretty unlike BSG (not being a sci-fi for a start), if you thought that at all. However, it is easily the best series on TV, and if you give it the time to get going (the series are very slow moving, as nothing is conluded in a single episode), you won't be disappointed.

I know its not like BSG lol, I watch a lot of different things The Shield probably being my fav! :)

I have sort of heard of it before and willing to give anything a try. :p
Ah well. Think The Shield's gritty urban "everything's ****ed up" setting, with BSG's dark, realistic character interaction, and you'll be somewhere close to where The Wire is. It's utterly fantastic, and best of all, each series is better than the last.

I'll stop eulogising now. I think I've taken this thread a tad off-topic. :o
Weebull said:
Ah well. Think The Shield's gritty urban "everything's ****ed up" setting, with BSG's dark, realistic character interaction, and you'll be somewhere close to where The Wire is. It's utterly fantastic, and best of all, each series is better than the last.

I'll stop eulogising now. I think I've taken this thread a tad off-topic. :o

Yeah lol, anyway will report back with what I think. :)

/Back on topic...

I think 4 seasons is the best bet for BSG, if they drap it to long it will end up like what Lost is...
Obviously I'm really saddened to see the demise of BSG but I've got to agree that series 3 had some below par episodes; a shame really seeing how this series started. Episodes 1 to 4 were brilliant and I remember thinking at the time how are they going to top that? But they didn't, unfortunately.

So I'd rather see a strong series 4 and for it to go out out in style, as opposed to trying to eek out another series but get story lines that aren't up to the high standards they've achieved.

I'll be sad to see it go as I thought it was the best thing to come along since B5.

I'll just have to concentrate on Heroes now :)
In some ways im glad its coming to an end as it is dragging on a bit now. I mean what was with the random episodes in series 3 :confused: . Hopefully we will see a lot more action in season 4, it should kick off with a bang as season 3 left off with the cylons and the humans at the nebula :)
Both seasons 2 and 3 had too many episodes. It meant that the overall story arc was lost occasionally due to 'filler' episodes. I hope that given the confirmation that season 4 is the last, it'll be jam packed full of story and we won't have to endure another 'Black Market'.
I've enjoyed the series so far but felt it needs some sort of ending to tie things up. Lets hope series IV is the best yet!
Don't watch it myself but the missus does and really enjoys it. However the little bit I have seen is that they don't actually seem to be making much progress across the galaxy.

Guess it lasted longer than the original and BSG 80 combined. Let's hope there is closure and they make it to Earth.

Sci-Fi Channel despite the name have a less than impressive record at actually supporting their genre, Farscape got suddenly and brutally canned by them.

Who knows, there could be some spin off TV movies at another date.
The whole idea behind BSG has a clear start and finish. At the start they set out to look for Earth, at the end they find it (what we don't know is what state Earth will be in when they find it). Dragging it out too long would just go against the premise of the show.
afraser2k said:
Remember that we have the Caprica series to look forward to as well.
Oh, and the mini-series/TV movie set on the Pegasus, due out sometime before the new series. That ought to be ace, given its setting (between the attack and them finding Galactica).
It was an awesome series, but how long can they keep looking for earth and surviving in a space ship running from aliens ?

I loved it - but its time has come. Any idea when the 4th series will be here? Just dont want to wait. Hate waiting for anything.

Dont know if the Caprica stuff will be as good as these. But it'll certainly be something I will be watching.
Weebull said:
Oh, and the mini-series/TV movie set on the Pegasus, due out sometime before the new series. That ought to be ace, given its setting (between the attack and them finding Galactica).

Lol, Admiral Kane would put me right off that, she made me want to scream.
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