BSOD Critical Process died & 1 NVME issue

10 Nov 2011

For the past week my OS NVME Crucial P5 2tb is not being detected in slot 1 in my MSI B550 Tomahawk on a cold boot. Once I go into Bios and just save and reboot its detected fine.
My other drive a crucial P3 4tb is detected on cold boot.
I have swapped the drives around and still get the same situation.
Tried with only 1 drive as well and still the same.
I've check fast boot is disabled, UEFI, boot orders still the same. Removed battery, tried 1 monitor.

According to crucial's software the drive is in good health.

The other issue I am having is when editing video in Premiere pro it has started blue screening with critical process died errors.

Any idea what would have started these issues in the last week?

Would a full windows reinstall fix the BSOD issue?

specs are
4 x 16GB 3600mhz corsair RAM
MSI B550 Tomahawk (On latest Bios)
RTX 3080ti
Cruaial P5 2TB
Crucial P3 4TB
For the past week my OS NVME Crucial P5 2tb is not being detected in slot 1 in my MSI B550 Tomahawk on a cold boot. Once I go into Bios and just save and reboot its detected fine.
How old is the drive?

Can you take a screenshot from crystaldiskinfo's smart values?

It is securely latched, right? You didn't use tape because you were missing a screw?

The other issue I am having is when editing video in Premiere pro it has started blue screening with critical process died errors.

Any idea what would have started these issues in the last week?
I'd run sfc scannow to check for file corruption.

Then briefly try memtest.

Also check the event viewer, especially for whea errors.

Did you do any driver updates or add/change any devices recently?
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