BSOD minidump File Analysis ?

22 Dec 2009
Upper Skurt

I am getting regular BSOD's under high GPU workload on a PC with Windows 10 Pro as O/S
The GPU itself is fine as there are no crashes with it when used on another PC with the same O/S.

I have set the O/S to create a minidump file and downloaded bluescreenviewer. However, I have no skills or knowledge about how to interpret the info from the minidump file.
Has anyone please got any suggestions on how I can get the minidump file analysed to identify the source of the BSOD's?

The Event Viewer indicates a critical event due to "Kernel Power" but my understanding is that the minidump file will provide more in depth info?

If you are using Bluescreenview then once you have some minidump files in C:\windows\minidump, launch the tool and the minidumps will auto load. The colums you need to pay attention to are as follows:

bug check string, bug check code and caused by driver.

Alternatively use WinDbg Preview from the Microsoft store and this will give you a lot more info about the BSOD.

As always do the usual things:

Update motherboard BIOS
Run memtest from a bootable USB
If running a CPU overclock return all settings to stock
If running XMP or EXPO on memory return to stock to test
Also download any Lnux distro and make a bootable ISO. Run the live environment and test the PC. If it still crashes then you know it is more likely hardware
Another thing to rule out is programs running in the background. Terminate all unnecessary stuff including RGB software if you have any.

Hope this helps
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