btec national diploma it practioners

16 Jan 2005
ive chose to do a natonal award in computer systems engineering but im considering changing to the it practioners award i remember somebody on here was doing this course anybody got any views?
thanks stellios and migsy i think im going to change to this course. the only thing that i wont like is all the coursework but seeing that its only for 1 course it wont bother me too much. like the website stellios and like you i aim to go to uni after this
Cueball said:
A National Diploma in [whatever] is great for catapulting you onto higher education, however the qualification (BTEC Nat Dip in IT) on its own is worth nothing.
so you mean if i was to leave with just a btec dip in it then i would stuggle getting a job?
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just thought id update my situation, i went for my college interview today but im now doing a btec national diploma in computer engineering and telecommunications. thye offered me a conditional place meaning that if my gcse's end up the same as my predicted grades then im in
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